How glass partitions can change an apartment?


Are you the owner of a small apartment or, conversely, a huge living space? Do you want to change the layout without demolishing or erecting walls? Then glass partitions are what you need. With their help, you can significantly change the organization of space without creating heavy, massive structures.

What kind of glass is used?

To make Office Partition Panels safe and durable, high-strength tempered glass is used as a material, which is quite problematic to break. But even if this happens, it will not be able to harm a person in any way: it is impossible to be injured by its fragments.

The canvases can be either completely transparent or matte, colored, with a pattern (photo printing, engraving, sandblasting). This variety will allow you to choose the design that will be appropriate for each specific apartment.

Types of structures

If you are planning to install such partitions, decide in advance what type of system will be convenient:

1.       Static. Often equipped with glass doors (swing or pendulum).

2.       Sliding. With a movement of your hand, the canvases can be moved to one side, completely opening the space.

3.       Accordion type. Fold and unfold according to the accordion principle.

Redevelopment methods

What kind of redevelopment can be done using these structures?

·         Studio apartment zoning.

·         Separate bedroom.

·         Separation of the working area.

·         Living room.

·         Separation of a bathroom.

Studio apartment zoning

Studio apartments differ from ordinary ones in the absence of internal walls. This technique allows you to increase the space of the room at times. But you cannot do without zoning in it either.

To preserve space and at the same time separate, for example, the living room from the dining room or the bedroom from the work area, owners often resort to using Custom Glass Partitions.

Translucent canvases allow you to keep the main advantage of studios - freedom from massive walls.


It is very important for many people to have a bedroom that is separate from the rest of the rooms. Residents are more comfortable sleeping there, leaving all the problems outside.

Unfortunately, owners of small apartments cannot always allocate an entire room just for sleeping. But this problem can be solved with glass partitions.

The same technique is often resorted to in spacious apartments, trying to get rid of bulky concrete walls. Glass does not "put pressure" on a person with its massiveness, so it will be much more comfortable to sleep.

Separation of the working area

Working from home requires a distraction-free workspace so you can focus easily. Having your own home office is, of course, an impermissible luxury for those who live in a two- or one-room apartment. To separate a room with a desk, they resort to using partitions.

Separating the living room from the kitchen

In the kitchen, you can allocate a place directly for cooking and for treating guests. For example, a sliding glass partition protects the dining area from the heat of food and odors if you close its canvases. And when two rooms need to be combined, you just need to move them to one side.


Combining a bathroom with a sleeping area has become a fashionable trend. For this, both solid partitions are used, separating the bath with a wall, and incompletely closing canvases. Often opaque types or smart glasses are used for this, which can change their transparency (from completely transparent to matte).

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